I'd be here 'til next year if I were to sit and write out all the stories between mid March and now. Instead, I will spare you the details and get you up to speed via photos.

The boys have climbed mountains,

and helped Mommy in the kitchen.

The California cousins came for a visit: translation, nights spent like this.

They got invited to go visit Uncle J's uncle's "farm." It may not be exciting for some, but check out the entertainment the cow provided by doing this click on the picture if you want to see stuff coming out of its back end

This little boy
loves to play in water, and was in heaven doing this
all afternoon. Meanwhile, the older boys had fun with their new (my brother-in-law's father) Grandpa Pollock and cousins, riding in this.

And went fast like this.
By the end of the trip, there were 2 boys who believed they were real cowboys... especially since they could bravely stand on the fence like this.

A boy turned 3 and had a small party while his cousins were in town.

Mommy thought she would throw a big party the day of his birthday, but didn't anticipate having a miscarriage the day before. Luckily she has some amazing friends who volunteered to throw together a last minute party, Mickey Mouse cake and all!

A boy found a utensil perfect for eating cereal

and a good book to read.

Mommy took a break from this,

and went with a friend to go do this.

And for two seconds, she nearly forgot about how resourceful he's become,

how the Top Secret location of the make-up is no longer Top Secret,

how Mr. G is an aspiring photographer and wants to capture moments like these, even if Mommy just happened to wake up minutes prior

how cocoa puffs sometimes get mixed in with lettuce,

how blinkers randomly get turned on for unknown reasons,

how knives get left in jars,

and an occasional monkey that enjoys a ride.

A boy turned 3 and had a small party while his cousins were in town.
Mommy thought she would throw a big party the day of his birthday, but didn't anticipate having a miscarriage the day before. Luckily she has some amazing friends who volunteered to throw together a last minute party, Mickey Mouse cake and all!
A boy found a utensil perfect for eating cereal
and a good book to read.
Mommy took a break from this,
and went with a friend to go do this.
And for two seconds, she nearly forgot about how resourceful he's become,

how the Top Secret location of the make-up is no longer Top Secret,

how Mr. G is an aspiring photographer and wants to capture moments like these, even if Mommy just happened to wake up minutes prior
how cocoa puffs sometimes get mixed in with lettuce,

how blinkers randomly get turned on for unknown reasons,
how knives get left in jars,
and an occasional monkey that enjoys a ride.