Saturday, April 26, 2008

Microwave Fun

(Diggies) "Mom, hurry and come here. Somebody made a mess and that's not very good."

I wouldn't classify this as a new trick, just a finely tuned talent. Mommy had been trying to get stuff done around the house so a boy's gotta do something to keep himself entertained.
Why wouldn't Superman and a pair of plastic toy pliers want to go in the microwave? It doesn't bother me, especially since he hasn't discovered the start button quite yet. Notice the blue cup is full of water- he feels very accomplished every time he fills up a cup using the water dispenser on the fridge. He will then dump the water from cup to cup, taking a drink from the last one.

I took a picture of his work and he came running in from the other room shouting, "No! Me! Stop!" (quickly climbed onto the chair) "Cheese!" What a sweet boy!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

5 1/2 days down

...5 1/2 more to go. DH has been part of an "opening" of a new store. (translation: they go from completely empty store to open for business in 10 days. further translation: 11 hour work days, 25 minute commute opposed to normal 6 minutes, and daddy working for 11 days straight.)

Meanwhile, other happenings-

I'm all registered and start school next month. I have 1 class for each summer session (total of 2 classes) and then will have 3, possibly 4, classes for the fall term. I want to hurry and start already, but look at my forever long
to do before school starts list and am reminded why it's a good thing it doesn't start for another month.

This Saturday, Nathaniel has a kindergarten test.

We made upside down pineapple cake for the first time. Thing 1 and Thing 2 had fun eating leftover pineapple while Sam enjoyed licking the bowl. It must of been better than I thought because when I sent leftovers to work with E, 2 of the ladies hid it so they wouldn't have to share with anyone else.

We discovered Tumbleweed park for the first time. It is the boys new favorite and they meet "new friends" every time we go. They got a bit frustrated because their
new friend from yesterday isn't the same new friend from today, but they got over it fast.

Zeke has made great improvements and will smile back at us. We're still working with him, but are excited to see him smile again. Yay for interactive babies!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Placement tests

As if raising 4 little boys isn't enough to keep me busy and challenged, I'm finally taking the steps to go back to school. {don't be acting surprised or shocked, most of you who really know me would have already known this and aren't finding out by reading this post!...and to think you thought you knew me} It's something I've wanted to do since we got married, and the time has finally arrived. It stinks because we're too wealthy to ever get any assistance or financial aid but too poor to be considered middle class. (Kinda like bigger than the skinny, too skinny for the fat - Refer to #84 of 100 things about me ) The fact that we have pinched our pennies and not relied on the government as our only safety net should an emergency or crisis arise has bit us in the butt again. Suck! I've never gotten a free ticket and once more, I get to be the person who busts their butt for everything because, well, "God knows of your capabilities". {yah, about that, I think we need to talk! It's so very kind of you to think of me so highly but seriously, when is my sit back and enjoy the ride time coming?}

I took the placement tests today and luckily my ego is still intact. :o I was scared to death going into it, but after reviewing my scores, it seems as though my long educational pause to have children hasn't entirely turned my brain to mush. The test goes by where you're at academically and not by a percentage correct. Here's how I scored...

Reading Comprehension (range from 0-116) Score 95
Recommendation- Congratulations, you're exempt from having to take the critical reading.

Sentence Skills (range from 0-92+) Score 113
Recommendation- Honors English 101 {Honors Eng 101 isn't the basic course, it's the highest advanced class you can take your first semester.. believe it or not there 3 classes below it}

(range from 0-119) Score 109
Recommendation- Advanced College Mathematics, plane trigonometry, or precalculus.

Not so bad considering I have yet to take any college courses. It's still up in the air as to how many classes I'll take this summer and fall. Being as I have a husband who works 50 hour weeks with a rotating schedule and 4 kids at home, I don't know how much will be too much. I'm off to register for classes, but we'll keep you all posted.